Monday, April 30, 2012

Brian's Review - Somewhere (2010)

"Somewhere" is something else.

Released: 2010
Genre(s): Drama

Sofia Coppola is known for precisely infusing her films with a gentle subtly, oftentimes mimicking real life. Each movie brings a quiet beauty to the screen, conveying a profound message that seeps deep, without overpowering or drifting into melodrama. "Somewhere" is no exception to this formula, playing out as a unique slice-of-life film, much like Coppola's previous offerings, while simultaneously managing to significantly transcend this standard structure. No time is wasted on developing an overwrought or forced storyline, rather simple character interactions drive this tale of gradual redemption and sensitization to life. Coppola's characters feel inherently alive, making it easy to allow their successes - both big and small - to warm the soul in a very real way. Much like Coppola's other movies, there is an undertone of melancholy and bittersweet reality apparent throughout the entirety of the film, but this just makes the victories of its characters that much more genuine and heartfelt. While some movies attempt to artificially saturate every moment with contrived, thematic symbolism, "Somewhere" proves how quietly charming it can be to watch something that presents itself as believably organic.

Rating (out of 5): 4

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