Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Brian's Review - Pulse (2001)

Never use the internet again.

Released: 2001
Genre(s): Horror, Thriller

Japanese horror films tend to follow a fairly predictable formula: someone dies under mysterious circumstances, her (almost always a "her") ghost comes back to kill a bunch of people, then an understanding person manages to pacify the angry spirit by uncovering the truth. Or everybody dies. Regardless, Japan's "Pulse" (originally titled "Kairo") differentiates itself just enough to stand out in the crowd of long-haired, pale-faced, vengeful ghost girls. There are zero jump-scares here: this film is driven solely on atmosphere, and the first half of this movie makes this especially clear, almost feeling overwhelmingly heavy and dark at times. While the second half of the film offers some segments of mild reprieve, during which the characters try to decipher what is actually going on (these, unfortunately, can drag a bit), there's no real sense of relief offered, as the situation becomes more and more hopeless. The symbolism in this movie is powerful, if you let it be, and the weight of that message left me feeling a bit drained, but overall, a horror film is a potent vessel for a social commentary. Whether you take it purely as a Japanese creepfest, or as an overwhelmingly bleak cautionary tale, "Pulse" is well worth a watch if you're in the mood for something outside the normal realm of horror offerings. Oh, and be sure to avoid the crappy American remake. Avoid it like you'd avoid a Japanese ghost in a dark room.

Rating (out of 5): 4

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