Saturday, April 7, 2012

Brian's Review - The Mummy Returns

Why do people keep waking up this guy?

Released: 2001
Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Fantasy

"The Mummy Returns" plunges audiences right back into the same type of wild, over-the-top, action-adventure romp established in the first movie of the series. The action here is a little more brutal than in the original, with hand-to-hand battle sequences showcasing some very fun fight choreography. While the story feels familiar in many respects, it still manages to unfold in a manner that keeps things fresh and entertaining. Unfortunately, emphasizing this action-heavy formula reduces the amount of time the film spends on genuinely developing the colorful cast of characters. True, the movie mimics its prequel in style as a tongue-in-cheek, one-liner-fueled quip fest - including a charming and playful chemistry between Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz - but the main focus of "The Mummy Returns" is action, serving as a showcase for special effects and fierce thrills. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but those who felt the (somewhat corny) humor in the first movie really made it shine might be a bit disappointed. Regardless, the second movie in this action-adventure series clearly proves that it's worthy to stand tall next to its predecessor.

Rating (out of 5): 3

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