Sunday, April 1, 2012

Brian's Review - Hobo with a Shotgun

It'd be much more boring if he just bought booze.

Released: 2011
Genre(s): Action, Thriller

Featured within the 2007 film "Grindhouse" (by powerhouse duo Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez) was a fictitious trailer for a movie entitled "Hobo with a Shotgun": an exploitation-style action flick that reveled in insane violence. Feedback was so positive for the trailer that by 2011 it was released as a real feature-length film. Despite its trailer's inclusion in a Tarantino-Rodriguez film, "Hobo with a Shotgun" is a mere shadow of what it could have been, opting to retain half the ironic humor of similar offerings in the genre and none of the intelligence. Sure, it's loud, wild, and over-the-top - not to mention, Rutger Hauer does a great job as the titular character - but overall, it's missing that witty punch that turns the overbearing, obnoxious noise into a beautiful, genius melody. Gratuitous violence and gore, nudity, excessive vulgarity - it's all here, but it's nothing new or creative, causing "Hobo with a Shotgun" to view more like an absurdly thorough (albeit enjoyable) homage to better films in the genre than a groundbreaking entry that can stand on its own. Don't expect to be blown away (no pun intended) by anything here.

Rating (out of 5): 3

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