Monday, July 2, 2012

Brian's Review - Occupant (2011)

Worth leasing, but not buying.

Released: 2011
Genre(s): Thriller, Horror

The low-budget thriller/horror film market is saturated with an unfathomable volume of horrendous crap, and more times than not these attempts merely recycle or mimic more well-known and higher-quality entries into the genre. While it can be excruciatingly horrible to wade through this onslaught of cinematic sludge, every now and then I stumble across a diamond in the rough. "Occupant" isn't the smartest effort of recent memory, nor is it the scariest, but it's certainly unique enough to be worth mentioning. The plot here isn't especially innovative, borrowing heavily from movies like "1408" and Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining," but much like said inspiration, the execution is what differentiates this film from the slew of other cheap imitations. The movie is actually pretty sleek-looking for a lower-budget offering, and it makes effective use of its small, fairly-unknown cast, especially leading man Van Hansis, whose portrayal of a man grappling with his sanity is so convincing its unsettling. The atmosphere is dark, disturbing, and suspenseful, akin to an under-your-skin David Lynch head trip; it's that special blend of intentionally-ambiguous psychological thriller and supernatural horror that makes this a very carrot-on-a-stick experience, never allowing the viewer to turn away once the action begins its slow-burning buildup. Unfortunately, this very same technique is a double-edged sword, as the pacing of this film lacks the polish of experienced Lynchian projects, sometimes clumsily lurching about as the character flounders and fumbles through his maddening ordeal. Regardless, the movie is creepy enough to make for one entertaining night, or maybe even two if you're charmed enough by its chilling premise and ability to draw on our primal fear of isolation. "Occupant" may not be a masterpiece, but the cost of renting this apartment-centric thriller sure beats paying a security deposit - go ahead and rent away.

Rating (out of 5): 3

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