Sunday, June 3, 2012

Brian's Review - The Secret World of Arrietty

A secret world worth exploring.

Released: 2010
Genre(s): Animation, Adventure, Family

Studio Ghibli is internationally known for pushing the limits of human imagination, creating worlds so rich with creative splendor that it's impossible to not get completely wrapped up in the onscreen magic. The backdrop conjured up for "The Secret World of Arrietty" doesn't embody the same sort of eerily haunting, supernatural whimsy of past projects (such as "Spirited Away"), but despite taking place within a setting that initially appears to be somewhat pedestrian in scope (a quiet, suburban household), Studio Ghibli's newest film still manages to feel pleasantly grandiose and ambitious. While events take place on a very small scale, due to the tiny size of the titular character, the action here is entertaining and wild in a very big way. The animation is beautiful, fluid, and on par with some of the studio's best works, inspiring wonder in every single frame - it's great seeing such a high standard of quality not just being set, but also met on a consistent basis. The story might not break as much ground as Studio Ghibli's previous works, but this is still an enjoyable reimagining of author Mary Norton's children's book "The Borrowers" that packs a truly genuine message. The combination of excellent voice acting, stellar animation, and unmistakable Studio Ghibli charm makes this a family-friendly movie that is definitely worth a watch. While not quite perfect, this film is heartfelt and endearing enough to be enjoyed by audiences of all ages, and that universal appeal alone makes it a must-see for a random weekend evening.

Rating (out of 5): 4

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