Monday, June 18, 2012

Brian's Review - Donnie Darko

Why are you wearing that stupid cult film suit?

Released: 2001
Genre(s): Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi

Since its release in 2001, "Donnie Darko" has become one of the most recognized cult films of this century. Describing its following as "rabid" would be an understatement. While I can't agree with the die-hards who claim this is "the greatest movie of all time," I can acknowledge the mass appeal of this bizarre and macabre tale. The film includes blatant influences from horrors, psychological thrillers, science-fictions, comic books/graphic novels, and even coming-of-age teen dramas, and manages to effectively blend all these elements into a stylish and easily-digestible concoction. The plot plays around with dueling dynamics, ricocheting between the dark suggestions of Donnie's twisted visions to wildly-humorous social commentary that scrutinizes suburban American brainwashing in a manner that remains pertinent today. The visuals and atmosphere combine to create an incredibly bleak movie, growing uncomfortably heavy at times, but never becoming unbearable. Unfortunately, despite its wide range of inspirations and delightfully-disturbing outlook, the pacing is sometimes so uneven and disjointed that the film occasionally feels like a sloppy, meandering cluster of ideas without any focus. While it's undeniably enjoyable to watch Jake Gyllenhaal's character undergo what is easily one of the strangest stories of an angst-ridden teenager trying to find himself, the sci-fi-lite bones this film boasts of lack any true staying power, and the ultimate resolution of this tale, while mildly-profound and thought-provoking, hardly counts as genius. No doubt, "Donnie Darko" is a must-see movie, but its far from the very top of the list.

Rating (out of 5): 3.5

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