Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Brian's Review - Ong Bak 2: The Beginning

Ong Bak 2: The Face Kicking.

Released: 2008
Genre(s): Action

Despite calling itself a "prequel," in reality, "Ong Bak 2: The Beginning" has absolutely nothing to do with the original. True, Tony Jaa goes around kicking people in the face in a wild, jaw-dropping (and jaw-shattering) manner, but the lack of any coherent or real plot means this views more like a giant showcase of Jaa's talents, as opposed to a story worth investing any real interest in. As a martial artist myself, I do have to commend Jaa for having some serious prowess in a large variety of fighting styles - his proficiency in weapons is especially focused on in this iteration. However, it may be due to the increased production value, or the incomprehensible situations Jaa's character is placed in that makes the action in this entry feel less visceral than in the first film. Don't get me wrong - Jaa still kicks all sorts of ass, but in a manner that doesn't seem as brutally-efficient as in "Ong Bak: The Thai Warrior." Still, the action is unrelenting and fun, playing out in a manner similar to Jackie Chan's "Drunken Master" series, or Jet Li's "Fearless." Martial arts fans should definitely check this one out, although those who enjoy more story than intense fight choreography and stunts probably won't be missing much.

Rating (out of 5): 3

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