Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Brian's Review - Bodyguards and Assassins

Take a guess who wins.

Released: 2009
Genre(s): Action, Drama, History

Like many historical Chinese period pieces, "Bodyguards and Assassins" blends a sweeping epic narrative with frantic martial arts action. The main issue with this film is how this balancing act is executed: while there's a great story-driven focus during the first hour or so of the movie, this takes a backseat to massive action sequences and some mediocre plot development during the second half. While the acting itself isn't awful, it's hard for the actors alone to carry a movie that begins to lose momentum so abruptly, in favor of flashy special effects and fight choreography. The characters' personal stories during the final hour of the film tend to start drifting into the melodramatic spectrum as well, making it more difficult to stay emotionally attached to their personal motivations for engaging in the battle. Unfortunately, this causes what should be a powerful, moving ending to feel a bit underwhelming on the silver screen. Despite the movie's billing as an action film, the action itself doesn't feel appropriately visceral enough for this grand of a story; instead, we're given brief tidbits of sensational martial arts, surrounded by montages of overproduced violence (and, sadly, some very amateur blood effects). All in all, not an awful flick, especially if you enjoy Chinese history or action films in general, but in all honesty, it's a film that can wait on the back burner while you catch up on the ones that have more staying power (i.e. "Ip Man").

Rating (out of 5): 3.5

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